Photobook Group

The Photobook Group is an informal group of individuals who have an interest in making, and enjoying, photobooks.

We meet to discuss such topics as:

  • image selection and ordering
  • book design and layout
  • publishing and selling

Within our group we have a wide range of experience ranging from people who are thinking about making their first book to others who have published and sold books, and we hope to be as inclusive as possible. Our scope covers both hand-made and printed books.

Occasionally, we also meet to consider the photobooks of established photographers.

As the most recently formed (late 2023) group within the society, our format is evolving.  Details of our meetings can found in the What’s On list on the EPS website.

Group coordinator: Muriel Binnie

hosta 210x210 Front Outer Cover-photobooks-v2

David Buchanan

Keith Flemming-photobooks-v2

Keith Flemming

©Edinburgh Photographic Society and individual photographers