Key EPS Members

EPS depends on a range of members who volunteer to help with the running of the Society, carrying out critical roles such as serving on Council, organising exhibitions and making tea and coffee at our weekly meetings. 

EPS Council and Office Bearers, 2024-25

Muriel Binnie
Past President
Isobel Lindsay
Isobel Lindsay
Senior Vice-President
Junior Vice-President
Fiona Spence
Stuart Gilliland
James Mount
Membership Secretary
David Lyle
Syllabus Secretary
Pete Gaskin
Competition Secretary
Graham Morrice
Property Convenor
Web and IT
Ian Sommerville
Web and IT
Social Media
Mhairi Chambers
Social Media
Helen Mundy
Adrian Cullen
International Exhibition
Doug Berndt
Council Member (Dennis)
Council Member (Derek)
Council Member
Sam Fraser

Other Roles

External Competition Secretary
Eion Johnston FRPS EFIAP/g DPAGB, External Competitions
Eion Johnston
External Competition Secretary
Terry Railley LRPS, EFIAP/s, Studio Equipment Instruction
Terry Railley
Curator and Librarian
Alistair Cowan, CD Group Competition Secretary, Librarian
Alistair Cowan
Fine Art Library Exhibition
Barbara Bartkowiak
Newsletter Editor
Maureen Stewart
Other role