EPS Groups

EPS members have a wide range of photographic interests and, to help cater for these, we have several specialist groups that focus on specific aspects of photography.  These groups are not exclusive. Any member can attend group meetings without signing up in advance and there is no additional charge for group membership.   Currently, we have four groups:

  1. The Creative Digital (CD) group for members for members who are interested unusual photographic techniques and hearing from image creators who have a unique vision. The CD group meets weekly on Monday evenings.
  2. The Nature group for members interested in all aspects of nature photography – birds, animals, insects, fish, flowers and other flora and fauna. The nature group meets twice a month on Tuesday evenings. 
  3. The Beginners Studio group is for members who are new to and interested in studio/portrait photography. The studio group meets on an ad-hoc basis –  normally on a Tuesday evening (at least 6 times a year) – with dates being published via EPS Google Group email. 
  4. The Phoenix group, which supports experienced photgraphers who wish to advance their photography in ways such as creating a body of photographic work or working towards photographic distinctions. The Phoenix group meets monthly on Thursday evenings.