The Nature Group

We have a thriving Nature Group with many experienced members and nature specialists. Our interests range from plants through to the tiniest of creatures to the largest mammals and birds. We have experts both at home and abroad and our members provide unique insights into the natural world. 

Our meetings and other activities are listed in the annual syllabus and on this website. The meetings provide an opportunity to hear from some of the very best wildlife photographers and naturalists. They also provide opportunities for members to show and discuss their work and to learn about and share other aspects of the natural world. We share a passion not just for photography, but also for understanding the natural world. Our approach to nature photography is built on a set of ethics that both respect and protect wildlife and nature.

Any member of EPS may join the Nature Group and we welcome new members, whether experienced photographers or beginners. We have a small annual subscription for joining the Nature group which helps to support the activities of the group. Our syllabus runs every two weeks from October until April and we aim to organise outings for the group when it is again possible to do so.


The group meets every month from October through to April. We have a very exciting syllabus for next season 2022-2023. 

October 11 An evening with Ann and Steve Toon

November 8 Internal Night

December 6 An evening with Ron McCombe

January 10 Internal Night

February 7 Internal Night

March 7 An evening with Andy Parkinson

April 4 Iolaire Cup Judging


The Edinburgh Photographic Society Nature Group firmly believe in the statement;

There is one hard and fast rule, whose spirit must be observed at all times. The welfare of the subject is more important than the photograph.”

and that it is important that the photographer respects the subject and takes every effort to minimise disturbance to the subject and to its environment.

Every member should make themselves aware of the laws that govern the photography of Nature & Wildlife wherever they are taking images.

See our page on Guidelines for Nature Photography for both taking photographs ethically and entering nature competitions.

Iolaire Cup

The Iolaire cup was donated to the EPS in 2007 by Fiona MacKay and June Scott. 

The name of the cup comes from the Gaelic word for Eagle.

The cup is awarded within the Nature Group for the best set of three images linked by a theme. 

There have been 14 recipients of the cup, with the most recent award in 2021 to Lesley Simpson for her theme “Insect Life (and Death”).

2008 Anne Rogers

2009 Noreen Brown

2010 Alex Melrose

2011 Alex Melrose

2012 Jean Manson

2013 David Wolfenden

2014 Fiona MacKay

2015 David Wolfenden

2016 Jean Manson

2017 Graham Morrice

2018 Graham Morrice

2019 Sandy Cleland

2020 Alan Yeomans

2021 Lesley Simpson