Lockdown Galleries

Members were invited to provide up to 10 images of work undertaken during the main lockdown period for Covid-19. The work may have been edits or new work, undertaken since 16th March 2020 (EPS effective closedown) until 31st July. We simply wanted to capture what our members were up to during this time. Members were also invited to provide some words to accompany their images if they wished.

Martin Ashford

Barbara Bartkowiak

Doug Berndt

Mortonhall Golf Course main entrance is around a 2-minute walk from my home. I walk regularly from my home over Braid Hills and the MortonHall estate but in normal times the golf course is busy with members playing golf. During lockdown, with golf not permitted, there was adequate time to walk around the golf course and take images of the well manicured course and sculpted bunkers. With some lovely spring days and blossoming trees I took the opportunity to capture some of the beauty of the crafted landscape. I have selected 10 for this gallery.

Processed in Lightroom – mono conversion, a little dodging and burning some removal of signs saying “keep out of the bunkers” and some smoothing of bunkers to remove footprints from those that didn’t! Oh!.. and one cloud moved from LHS to RHS.

Barbara Bogacka

David Buchanan

This series which comprises over 30 images was my main photographic project during lockdown.  These close-up pictures of hostas were discovered rather than taken or made, and are not intended to be botanical.

Mhairi Chambers

“Like many people during lockdown I tended to visit the same locations frequently, with a few new ones thrown in when able to travel further. My favoured genre is sport, not an option during lockdown, so most are either local “street” scenes/landscapes. “1)Canal coffee break- I live near the Union Canal which is great for reflection photos, especially around the Watershed boat, which is also a cafe. 2)Colinton Tunnel mural artist- The old railway tunnel at Colinton Dell has a fantastic mural on the tunnel walls. I noticed the artist standing in his orange paint stained overalls, which were as colourful as the mural! 3) Lights Out- The bulb was on the tiled area at our kitchen window, i found the various shapes interesting. Converted to mono to make the shapes stand out. 4)Pavement cyclist in West Bow- I spotted this lady cycling up the pavement. I like all the interest in the various windows, plus the red door stood out as well. The one way sign i decided to leave in since she is following its instruction! 5)Skateboard trick- Shot at Saughton skate park, the nearest thing i could get to “sport”. This one shows the trick itself and other activities going on round about. 6)Straiton pond reserve in June- I liked the trees curving over the footpath at the reserve. Converted to mono which i felt gave it more impact. 7)Swanston schoolhouse- I’ve tried a few times to get a shot of the brass name plate, luckily the light was reasonably good for once. 8)Trees and glass-I’ve spent a couple of weeks shooting buildings in and around Exchange Place/Square and the Morrison Street link. Like the shape of this section with the square glass panels and the silver trees. Edited in Olympus Workspace, using the dramatic tone filter to give it more contrast. 9)Time for a beer- Shot at Lochrin basin, this is a popular seat next to the swan sculptures. The Akva bar was still closed at the time, so this guy had brought his own beer along, and was enjoying a quiet drink.

Alistair Cowan

“Shielding” is my take on just that and has only been lifted today.  The other images I have been working on whilst confined to quarters and have all been taken in the past couple of months.  Clematis, Daisy in the Mist, Wild Cherries and Coral Delphinium were shot in the garden and then worked on in Photoshop. Autumn Leaves is an old image from last year that I re-invented to give a Japanese feel.  Raindrops and Sweet Pea are takin in my new “mini studio” indoors following the recent Zoom Meeting with Polina Plotnikova.

Brian Flemming

Tom Flint

John Fotheringham

My objective was simply to become familiar with my new 60mm macro lens, and the vast menu on my Olympus E-M1X, and lockdown gave me the perfect opportunity to become more proficient with both

Graeme Gainey

These are all on a theme of seeing Edinburgh at dawn / sunrise or dusk / sunset (including a couple of the full moon).

My strategy for coping with the lockdown has been to take my exercise mostly VERY early in the morning, which has the double benefit of getting interesting lighting conditions whilst also ensuring extreme social distancing.   By ‘early’, I mean setting off from home as early as 3.00 a.m., as sunrise is now before 5.00 a.m. !   I’ve been travelling on foot or by bike and have covered a few miles on some trips (e.g. to Queensferry), but to counterbalance this I have been taking rest days at home in between, mostly to process my pics.

I must say that this has kept me very busy – probably busier than I would otherwise have been – and it has even given me slight pangs of guilt at enjoying lockdown so much !   Amongst other mini projects I’ve been trying to photograph the sunrise from all of Edinburgh’s major hills.

I think the police are now used to seeing me out early in the morning with my camera and tripod, and they have no problem with it.   On one occasion I even had a friendly (socially distanced) chat with a couple of officers who were interested in the technical aspects of photographing the sunrise.   Perhaps it was a break from the boredom of a long night shift !

Robert Galloway

I believe the titles describe the images adequately. They were taken no farther away than our garden between March 19th and July 13thwith all the intervening months represented.

Stuart Gilliland

Some images which I took during lockdown here in Denmark. Some shots from an improvised “home studio” during lock-down. Not my usual studio setting or indeed studio subject, but I did enjoy trying something different.

David Greer

Jan Jerome

Krysia Kotowska

David Lind

The coloured one is washing in the back green photographed through the old glass of the door and the second I did myself in an old commercial building in Leith. 

Isobel Lindsay

Douglas May

I was looking for a photograph of a few masked passengers on an empty bus to show the way in which people have changed their lifestyles and are instructed to protect themselves and others if they do decide to use public transport. Having found a bus I noted that on the side of the bus there was an advertisement for a film with the quote ‘What you can’t see can hurt’ “. That quote is particularly apposite to what we have been going through and I have sought to reconcile the imposed and self imposed restrictions on our personal liberties in the interest of protection against a virulent and dangerous disease. Thus recording the instructions and advice given and the manner in which we have conformed and adapted, or not, to them, such as social distancing, is the thread that goes through the work I have produced.

Andrew Mckie

 ‘dreams of travel part one-Brescia’ and ‘dreams of travel part two-Castle Stalker’.  They are both composite images using three photos for each.  The foreground ‘wine and grapes’  were photographed here at home, in front of the computer while it was displaying the background images both of which are made up from photos of old arched windows in Rocamadour, France, looking at a view of Brescia, Italy, in ‘part one’ and a silhouette of Castle Stalker on Loch Laich, Scotland in ‘part two’.

Edward Richards

Tried something I haven’t done before as I recently bought a camera converted to infra red. Images are certainly different!

No 174 is a house gate in Whitehouse Road, taken on a morning walk. Gateway is again on Whitehouse Road and taken on a walk. Almond Court is local and while walking. Looks Like Winter is my back garden and the first IR image taken. Looks as though winter has arrived! River Tweed from Dryburgh Footbridge , this was taken after restrictions eased, on a walk in the Borders. Three Graces again taken in Borders while walking

Like many others I have spent a great deal of time in the garden over last few weeks and tried my hand at capturing the local wildlife: Busy Bees difficult to capture as never still. Some way to go in taking them in sharp focus. Will keep trying! Garden Sparrow and Robin, again taken in garden and both these birds are rarely at rest.

Brent Richardson

All my images were shot within walking distance of my Granton home.  Forth Quarter Park, Gypsy Brae Park and Western Harbour have been visited many times in the last four Months.  Interesting times.

Derek Robertson

Mostly taken just when the the lockdown was coming to an end and represent the emptiness that existed in the centre of town.

Frank Sala

Margaret Salisbury

These images were all taken in April, May, June, July during Lock down from the same place (the car park at the beach) which is five minutes walk from our house and were I have been going for my walk. It has always fascinated me that it does not matter how many times I go to the sea it is always different: mood, tide, colour etc. etc. so I decided to keep taking images and have an AV in mind.

Donald Stirling