Office Bearers

Muriel Binnie

Muriel Binnie

President (T)

Isobel Lindsay

Isobel Lindsay

Immediate Past President (T)

Creative Digital (CD) Group Secretary

Derek Noble

Derek Noble

Senior Vice-President (T)

Monthly Competition Champion

Graeme Clyne

Graeme Clyne

Secretary (T)

Donald Stirling

Donald Stirling

Treasurer (T)

Doug Berndt

Doug Berndt

International Exhibition Secretary External Exhibitions Secretary

Will Johnston

Will Johnston

Property Committee Convenor

Ian Sommerville

Ian Sommerville


(T) Indicates a Trustee


Mhairi Chambers

Mhairi Chambers

Adrian Cullen

Adrian Cullen

Dark Room Champion

Michelle Flajsner

Michelle Flajsner

Ian Goodall

Ian Goodall

Graham Morrice

Graham Morrice

Nature Group Secretary Print Competition Secretary

Fiona Spence

Fiona Spence

PDI Competition Secretary

Other Roles (Voluntary)

Barbara Bartkowiak

Barbara Bartkowiak

Fine Art Library Exhibition Co-ordinator & House Convener

Alistair Cowan, CD Group Competition Secretary, Librarian

Alistair Cowan

Curator & Librarian

David Greer

David Greer

Edinburgh Digital International Salon Secretary

Eion Johnston FRPS EFIAP/g DPAGB, External Competitions

Eion Johnston

External Competition Secretary (Joint) Phoenix Group Secretary

David Lyle

David Lyle

Membership Secretary

Terry Railley LRPS, EFIAP/s, Studio Equipment Instruction

Terry Railley

External Competition Secretary(Joint)

Maureen Stewart

Maureen Stewart

Bulletin Editor



In-room Host. Contact an Office Bearer if you are interested in taking on this role within the EPS.



Members Exhibition Secretary. Contact an Office Bearer if you are interested in taking on this role within the EPS.



Studio Group Secretary Contact an Office Bearer if you are interested in taking on this role within the EPS.



Syllabus Secretary. Contact an Office Bearer if you are interested in taking on this role within the EPS.



Zoom Host. Contact an Office Bearer if you are interested in taking on this role within the EPS.

Our Honorarium

The Right Hon. The Lord Provost.

The Right Hon. The Lord Provost.

Hon. President

Sandy Cleland

Sandy Cleland

Hon. Vice-President

Margaret Salisbury

Margaret Salisbury

Hon. Vice-President

Bob Moore

Bob Moore

Hon. Vice-President

Faye Yerbury

Faye Yerbury

Honorary Vice President

Trevor Yerbury

Trevor Yerbury

Honorary Vice President