Premises and Facilities
The EPS is fortunate to have its own premises at 68 Great King Street in Edinburgh’s New Town.
These include a large lecture hall, where most of our meetings are held, a large darkroom, a large studio, a second smaller studio, 2 exhibition rooms and a library, along with the other usual facilities. Entry to the premises is available to members at all times, using an electronic key fob.
The Main Hall
Our main meeting and exhibition room is a beautiful large room seating up to 80 people and is well equipped with a ceiling-mounted digital projector, large projection screen, amplification with an induction loop system, laptop, Slide projectors (35mm carousel and straight magazine, medium format), and print display easel with lights.
For exhibitions, we have a wall hanging system for around 200 50×40 cm prints and good lighting.
The main studio has a full track lighting system, and is suitable for portraiture and still-life photography. It is equipped with four Bowens Pro-Lite studio flash units, complete with brollies, snoot and other accessories.
There is a changing room with lights and mirrors, and several props are available, along with the facility to use your own backing papers or other backgrounds. There is a roll of white fabric background available for members’ use. The studio can be booked in advance through an online booing system.
The Library contains a good selection of photographic books which can be borrowed, and photographic magazines which can be read on the premises.
The Darkroom contains monochrome enlargers that can handle negatives from 35mm to 6×7 cm. There is also a cascade print washer, a large heated bench for chemical trays, separate film and print drying cabinets, and a completely dark room for handling film and paper. There are two colour enlargers and a Jobo rotary print processor which can handle prints up to 12″ x 1